Organic beauty haunts in Paris

From the inimitable Hip Paris blog… Bio Chic: Our Favorite Organic Beauty Boutiques in Paris Posted: 19 Dec 2013 07:19 AM PST Senteurs de Fée It’s no secret that French girls love their products. Here in Paris, you can find a cream, serum or supplement for just about anything that ails – from cellulite to les cernes toContinue reading “Organic beauty haunts in Paris”

Naked Mole Rats don’t get cancer.

For a fascinating glimpse of the very reclusive naked mole rat, WNPR reported on new research into this hidden creature, who spends its entire life underground.  Check out the video here.  It wasn’t uploaded as I just heard the report on the radio, but it should be shortly. An interesting tidbit…they live to be approximatelyContinue reading “Naked Mole Rats don’t get cancer.”


Originally posted on design.concept:
O projeto de hoje esbanja charme, apesar de sua pequena área e simplicidade estética! Veganista é a primeira sorveteria austríaca a vender somente sorvete vegano em Viena.  E esse conceito de produto é aplicado no projeto, através de elementos decorativos e cores simples! Nós achamos que a composição arquitetônica resultante…

Food Highlights this week: Asian Turkey Meatloaf & Honeysuckle Cake

  I realize that my photos DO NOT in any way do justice to the deliciousness that this Asian inspired Turkey Meatloaf was, but trust me, its one of the best dishes I have eaten in a long time, and the best part was that I came up with it!  Score! Basically, I was tryingContinue reading “Food Highlights this week: Asian Turkey Meatloaf & Honeysuckle Cake”

Risotto 101and the BEST Low-Cal dinner ever. Period.

  Normally I am not a fan of Rachel Ray, but this dish rocks!  It is a vaguely greek inspired grilled chicken with romaine, tomato, cukes, kalamata olives and feta. There is a very light lemony oregano dressing on it.  I forego the red onions because I don’t care for them, and I use chickenContinue reading “Risotto 101and the BEST Low-Cal dinner ever. Period.”

Foodballs anyone? Welcome to Wikiworld…

The world’s first ever WikiBar opens in Paris Wednesday, 26 June 2013 Another gem from WGSN… French designer Mathieu Lehanneur has designed the interior of the first ever WikiBar, in Paris. On the menu is a range of innovative food and drink under the name of WikiCells, for the French natives, or WikiPearls for the English speakers. Created by HarvardContinue reading “Foodballs anyone? Welcome to Wikiworld…”

I love this woman! I normally don’t read DailyCandy much any more, but this interview with Linda Rodin, the creator of Rodin oils, is priceless.  I want to be just like her when I am ‘of a certain age’…

Summer is almost here…let the mozzarella and tomato begin!

  I can’t tell you how much I look forward to summer, but not in the way you would expect.  Sure, I like sunshine and vacations, but its the tomato and mozzarella all summer long that I live for.  Call me simple, but NOTHING beats fresh sliced tomatoes (room temp) with mozzarella and basil.  MakeContinue reading “Summer is almost here…let the mozzarella and tomato begin!”

The Japanese Taco Masters: Sunny Blue (Santa Monica, California)

Originally posted on hungry and fit:
During my time in school in South Korea, I found it very challenging to maintain my daily caloric intake of 10,000-12,000. One reason is the food is extremely healthy and calorically low. The second is that the servings are tiny compared to those in the United States. Finally, so…